espanol is quite an old breed, records about
which can be dated back already to the first years of
our epoch. In the country of its origin it served as
a sheep herds guard. It protected them mainly
against wolfs and other animals of
pray. Apart from its previous purpose, it is
predominantly used as a guarding dog nowadays.
mastin dog must be at least 77 cm high, the bitch at
least 72 cm, but both are quite often much higher.
The usual weight is about 80-100 kg. Their colours
are varied, one-colour variant is generally preferred
(fair-haired, orange, black, wolf-grey etc.), but
there are also combined colours, such as: stripped or
should be brought up since their youth
withconsistence and their lord should enjoy a natural
respect in their eyes. Then they will become
excellent family companions. They perfectly react to
voice intonation changes and they simply love
rewards. A well-brought up mastin is easily
manageable, calm, reacting reasonably to exte
rnal stimuli. It smoothly
masters basic orders, does not flee its territory and
if it gets used to other dogs or domesticated
animals, it gets along well with them without
problems. As every dog even the mastin demands a
possibility of free motion, it might be unambiguously
recommended to family houses with gardens. Due to its
size, it is not suitable for a flat.
does not like, like other molosses too, classic duty
training. It also does not suit a sport-
oriented family, for its considerable
size and weight does not allow it to be any athletic
creature. Spanish mastin must be bred in the open air
for the whole year, it is very hardened, even in
winter. Its hair does not need any extra care. On the
other hand, its eating habits are quite demanding,
especially when growing. At the end, it will repair
you for your care and kindness - for always will its
bowl be empty!
If you
bring up your dog consistently, you are likely to
gain a great pet, which will love all your family and
which will want to accompany you anywhere and guard
you perfectly.